I shoot from the hip and say it as I see it. I don’t waste my clients time and I don’t waste mine either. I've been told that I am like Marmite, I make no apologies as hey, I like Marmite.
I swear, I push, I won’t accept bullshit or excuses from clients or myself. It doesn't do them any good, life’s too short and in my mind if someone truly wants something then let’s get the f**k on with it and make it happen.
So, you see I can be seen as quite revolting to business owners who only wish to hear what they want and not necessarily what they need.
I'm also astounded by the incompetence of my industry, the amount of poor guidance and advice being provided and the amount of good money after bad being spent by desperate owners trying to find a way to stand out.
I constantly get the feedback from business owners that agencies know their game but haven't got a clue about business. You see not all business is equal, followers, likes and clicks aren't business they are just ego food and often the issue is multi faceted and can't be fixed with a magic pill.
Businesses spend profit to generate new business and therefore if an even bigger profit isn't generated via the spend then it is wasted money.
So that’s me. I’ve been in the game now for over 20 years and bring business, sales & marketing experience, creative insight, honesty, integrity and grey hair to the table. I also bring a wealth of knowledge with what does and doesn't work.
If that’s what you think you or your business could benefit from having on your side and working with then great. If not then hey no problem I’m not for everyone, but then again who is?